Partners :

Submission of Singapore Records/Enquiries



The Singapore Book of Records has been introduced to encourage all Singaporeans to have the opportunity to become a Record Breaker!
Stretch your limits to higher places and be winners!
Every Singaporean has the attributes to do this. We are here to help make it happen.

We look forward to receiving requests from all Singaporeans to nominate a record they wish to attempt. We invite challenges to set new records and achievements, or break existing ones.

RBS can supply professional adjudicators who can witness your record attempt and assist with the completion of documentation. These costs are on a case-by-case basis and are to cover administration, travel expenses etc. We would suggest you make your request early, so that you are not disappointed.

? Please Download Forms, follow the instructions to complete and return to us by email at: OR email us at: and supply the description of the record you wish to attempt to create or break.

You will be supplied with a Record Attempt Agreement Form, Backup Materials-Important Notes and Log Form and an RBS Reference Number. It is important that this Reference Number is referred to in all communication.

[Download Record Attempt Agreement Form]
[Download Backup Materials-Important Notes and Log Form]

? On receipt of your completed Record Attempt Agreement Form, you will receive a unique set of Rules and Regulations, relating to your record attempt.

? Ensure you familiarize yourself with the correct RBS Procedure. Refer to section, ?What is required to verify your Record claim and prove its authenticity.?

? Be aware of safety precautions. Read section, ?Your Safety is Imperative?.


? Once you have finished your record attempt, complete the ?Backup Materials being submitted to RBS in relation to Record Attempt/(s) Form?.

? Carefully check you have collated all information to verify/support your record attempt.

Clearly mark all correspondence (including photographs, cds etc) with your reference number, name and address, stating which record has been attempted. And send to:

Record Breakers Singapore
Bukit Batok Central Post Office
PO Box 340
Singapore 916512

On receipt, RBS Research Team will calculate this information and advise you of the official outcome


Any attempt that is successfully accepted as having broken and/or set a record will be awarded an exclusive certificate in recognition of the achievement.
Additional copies may be purchased at $10.00 each.
It is at our sole discretion which records are accepted to be published in The Singapore Book of Records. Our Editorial decision is final.


Record Breakers Singapore (Singapore Book of Records) will not be responsible for any accidents or illness that may evolve as result of, or during any record attempt.

The organizer of the event should take responsibility and implement all safety precautions to ensure the safety of all participants and the public. It is also
imperative that sufficient thought is given to participants being under the age of 18.

Of course, Record Breaking is all about reaching the highest limits of achievements and stretches the confines of individuals. It is extremely important that individuals are aware of their own limits and therefore, undertakes any record attempt at their own risk.

Our advice is that Medical Representation is present for the duration of all events.

What is required to verify your Record claim and prove its authenticity?

? Signed Statements of authentication by two independent witnesses of some standing within the local community, who have attended the event and can confirm the validity of the claim. Where indicated in the individual record breaking attempt rules, there will be occasions where an official must be qualified in the subject area ie a nurse or doctor, for medical checks.

? The witness in his or her own handwriting must sign the statement. If possible the statement must be submitted on their own letter headed paper and contain their full contact details.

? The statement must contain the fact that the specific rules relevant to the Record attempt have been followed. They must also explain how the exact results were quantified i.e. dimensions, participants involved and so on.

? All forms of available media coverage: Newspaper cuttings, photos, magazine cuttings, television and radio footage on video/cd/dvd.

? Quality colour photographs or transparencies.

? Where indicated in the individual record-breaking attempt rules and guidelines, a signed and dated logbook, showing that the record attempt has been the focus of constant scrutiny. Time and duration of rest breaks, where relevant, should be indicated in the log.

? Measurements should be made by suitably qualified individuals and witnessed by the independent witnesses, where necessary. Accurate measuring equipment must be used and all relevant measures must be logged.

Failure to provide the requested information can lead to delays in the processing of your claim. Please check carefully prior to forwarding your claim to prevent unnecessary inconvenience.
©2008 Record Breakers Singapore. All rights reserved.